Auto_Awesome Early access

the simple video service.

Upload and embed your videos anywhere in the highest quality. No ads.

Designed for creatives.

Features you actually want without the high price.

25 GB of space

Plenty of space for your videos.

Ad-free player

No interruptions before, during or after.

4K playback

Enjoy ultra high definition playback on 4K uploads.

Share and embed anywhere

Including your website.

Up to 15 minutes per video

Suitable for most videos.

High bitrate transcoding

Exceptional detail with minimal artifacts. The way you want them to be.

Upload in any video format

Including support for Matroska, ProRes and HEVC (H.265).

Unlimited views

No charges for bandwidth usage. The way it should be.

Ultra-fast global network

Watch and share from anywhere in the world.

Your own profile

Help build the Makisoda community.

Early access


per month


Why Makisoda?

The cost of video is becoming lower and will continue to decrease in the future, but existing companies aren’t passing these savings down to those who use their products the most — the creatives. And old systems are slower and more clunky to use. On top of that, they’re introducing unnecessary features that add even more bloat and charging you for it. Why pay for that? Video hosting should be simple, and pricing should be easy to understand and affordable. That’s Makisoda.

Upload and embed your videos anywhere in the highest quality. No ads.

Makisoda doesn’t include a built-in video editor, “AI teleprompter”, or anything of that sort. Makisoda offers a place for your videos with generous limits, so you can share and embed them anywhere. Plain and simple.

What’s the catch?

By joining Makisoda in early access, you’d be helping test and validate this service. That means things might break or be shifted around. Your $5 plan won’t change and will continued to be honored as long as you remain subscribed.